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Statement: Air travel chaos reinforces need for airlines to be more accountable to passengers

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Statement: Air travel chaos reinforces need for airlines to be more accountable to passengers

  U.S. Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) and  six other consumer and passenger rights groups have sent a letter to Congress asking the chairs and ranking members of the Senate Commerce, Science & Transportation Committee and the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee to make it clear to airlines they need to reform -- urgently.

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Reinstated ‘polluter pays’ tax goes into effect, protecting Americans from toxic waste

Toxic threats

Reinstated ‘polluter pays’ tax goes into effect, protecting Americans from toxic waste

A chemical excise tax to fund Superfund toxic waste site cleanups nationwide will go into effect on Friday, reinstating one of several “polluter pays” taxes that had been allowed to lapse 26 years ago. The EPA’s Superfund program is responsible for cleaning up the country’s most hazardous waste sites.

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Bank, Credit Union and Consumer Groups Applaud Vote to Close ILC Loophole

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Bank, Credit Union and Consumer Groups Applaud Vote to Close ILC Loophole

A "strange  bedfellows" coalition of bank and credit union trade associations and consumer groups applauded committee passage of a bipartisan bill to deny Big Tech firms from circumventing existing rules to enter the banking system. The “Close the ILC Loophole Act” (H.R. 5912) preserves the longstanding separation of banking and commerce. 

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Statement: FTC Takes Action Against Harley-Davidson and Westinghouse for “Illegally Restricting Customers’ Right to Repair.”

Right to repair

Statement: FTC Takes Action Against Harley-Davidson and Westinghouse for “Illegally Restricting Customers’ Right to Repair.”

PIRG’s Senior Right to Repair Campaign Director, Nathan Proctor, issued the following statement on the FTC announcement: “The rubber is hitting the road on the FTC’s new focus on protecting your Right to Repair ... "

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Statement: Supreme Court rejects Bayer’s appeal against Roundup ruling


Statement: Supreme Court rejects Bayer’s appeal against Roundup ruling

The Supreme Court declined on Tuesday to hear an appeal by Bayer, allowing lawsuits claiming glyphosate, the main active ingredient in the weed killer Roundup, causes cancer to move forward. Bayer, the maker of Roundup, had appealed the case of Edwin Hardeman who said he developed cancer due to his use of Roundup on his property for decades. The court’s action upholds the ruling of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which ruled in favor of Hardeman, upholding a  $25 million judgment. The declined appeal opens the opportunity for thousands of similar cases to continue.

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