Birmingham Northern Beltline, Alabama
The Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) is pushing forward with the $5.3 billion Birmingham Northern Beltline (BNB), a 52-mile, 6-lane expressway connecting I-59 northeast and southwest of Birmingham. The project is almost entirely reliant on intermittent and insufficient federal funding, scheduled to take at least 40 years to complete, and, if built, will threaten damage to two watersheds that are important sources of drinking water for Birmingham.
Status: Under construction
Originally reported cost: $5.3 billion
Update for current status:
As of September 2023, the Birmingham Northern Beltline project was under construction.
Original story from Highway Boondoggles 6:
The Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) is pushing forward with the $5.3 billion Birmingham Northern Beltline (BNB), a 52-mile, 6-lane expressway connecting I-59 northeast and southwest of Birmingham. The project is almost entirely reliant on intermittent and insufficient federal funding, scheduled to take at least 40 years to complete, and, if built, will threaten damage to two watersheds that are important sources of drinking water for Birmingham.
The BNB project relies on intermittent federal funding, raising the specter of a highway project that is not only expensive and environmentally damaging, but is also never finished. The BNB is funded solely by the federal Appalachian Development Highway System (ADHS), which pays for roadways throughout Appalachia. To date, Alabama policymakers have declined to provide state funding for the project, which suggests that the project is not a high priority for state transportation needs. Between 2014 and 2016, ALDOT completed a 1.3-mile grade and drain project as the first phase of the BNB, using all of the funding available at the time, and then paused work when federal funding for the ADHS was not renewed. ADHS recently received funding again, but allocated just $30 million to the BNB, a tiny fraction of the multibillion dollar project cost. In 2014 the estimated completion year of the project was 2054, not accounting for the most recent four-year pause, nor for any future stoppages in funding.
If it is built, the BNB’s construction, operation and the development it spurs would degrade Birmingham’s water quality, forests and wetlands. According to the Southern Environmental Law Center and the Black Warrior Riverkeepers, the BNB would “cross and permanently alter Black Warrior and Cahaba river tributaries in 90 places and wetlands in 35 places” and will “destroy 3,078 football fields’ worth of forest.” The Cahaba and Black Warrior watersheds are two of the major sources of drinking water for residents of Birmingham, and construction or development in the watersheds increases the risks of damage to streams, chemical or gasoline spills and stormwater runoff pollution. The Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham (RPCGB), which receives funding from local governments to provide planning and economic development services for central Alabama, notes that the “level of potential environmental impacts may be significant.”
The BNB’s project website claims the project will spur economic development and will address “future traffic growth,” but analyses of the project have questioned whether the project would actually bring such benefits. One study from the Ochs Center for Metropolitan Studies determined that the project’s economic impacts had been “overstated,” in part because “if the [BNB] corridor gains jobs (or employers) at the expense of other locations within Jefferson County, those jobs are not net new jobs for the county or the region.” And the RPCGB estimates that the BNB would accomplish little in terms of congestion relief for other roadways, only taking between 1 and 3 percent of the vehicles that currently travel on I-59 and I-20 through downtown Birmingham.
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