Were you charged a ‘facility fee’ on your medical bill?
Your facility fee experience could help us prevent providers from charging unjustified fees to medical bills.
Americans are spending way too much on health care, and getting far too little in return. Together we can bring down the cost of prescription drugs, prevent surprise medical bills, get providers to rein in skyrocketing costs, and more.
Your facility fee experience could help us prevent providers from charging unjustified fees to medical bills.
Report ●
Certain medical debt should never appear on your credit report. Follow our tips to fix any mistakes.
Patients who received medical care in January and February are starting to receive their medical bills for those services. That’s why, in recognition of National Consumer Protection Week, it’s timely to remind people to check their bills carefully and make sure they know their new legal protections against surprise billing.
As of January 1, 2022, insured patients are protected from out-of-network balance bills, also known as surprise bills. PIRG explains your new protections.
How the pandemic has worsened the medical debt crisis
According to a newly released survey, Oregonians are very concerned about prescription drug costs and want their lawmakers to fix the problem. Almost half (49 percent) of the 900 Oregon adults who Altarum polled earlier this spring for its Consumer Healthcare Experience State Survey (CHESS) reported being either “somewhat worried” or “very worried” about being able to afford their medications.