Tell Apple: Airpods shouldn’t be designed to die
AirPods are nearly impossible to repair and their batteries are short-lived. Apple should design them to last.
Americans dispose of 416,000 cell phones per day, and only 15 to 20% of electronic waste is recycled. PIRG is here to help.
In early January, the Right to Repair team and our national network organized a Right to Repair State Summit to hear from the keynote speaker Adam Savage from MythBusters on his thoughts on the Right to Repair and to discuss our current progress on the Right to Repair campaign. While we’ve made a lot of strong progress on the campaign in 2021—we won commitments from Apple and Microsoft to support our Right to Repair movement and we got the Federal Trade Commission to take a supportive stance in front of Congress—we as consumers have yet to see an established consumer right to repair our things when they break.
“The Right to Repair movement speaks to the very core of what I believe are the most important human endeavors,” said Adam Savage, former producer of MythBusters.
“The Right to Repair is about securing the right to be unreasonable, to experiment and to make things better for ourselves.”
Photo: According to Adam Savage, if the Right to Repair movement fails, we will cut ourselves off at the knees from our ability to discover. Credit: Staff
AirPods are nearly impossible to repair and their batteries are short-lived. Apple should design them to last.
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Former Creative Associate, Editorial & Creative Team, The Public Interest Network
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