How Dunkin’ can help us reduce waste, one refill at a time
There are many times when single-use waste could be avoided, and our morning cup of coffee is one of them.
There are many times when single-use waste could be avoided, and our morning cup of coffee is one of them.
Trader Joe’s uses millions of pounds of plastic to wrap its products every year, most of which will end up in a landfill or littering streets and waterways.
Fast fashion clothing companies are making more clothing than we can wear– and it's having a huge impact on the planet. So what can you do about it?
The amount of products created, sold and thrown away is alarming, highlighted by the new Netflix documentary “Buy Now!” Here’s what you can do.
TikTok can be destructive to teens' and young women's mental wellbeing. I know because I experienced it first hand.
Wasteful plastic: We didn’t ask for it, and we can’t avoid it. But at PIRG, we have a plan to deal with it.