How to save energy in your home this winter
Steps you can take to lower heating bills, make your home more comfortable and reduce pollution by saving energy.
Featured Resources
Accidents Waiting to Happen: Factory Farms
What can cities and states do to address leaf blowers and other gas-powered lawn equipment?
Interactive map of lawn mower and leaf blower policies
How to Contact Your Public Officials
New energy efficiency standards have big benefits for North Carolina
New appliance efficiency standards will save North Carolina consumers and businesses money and reduce pollution
Reducing costs across America: New appliance standards save consumers money in every state
National appliance efficiency standards save money for consumers and businesses, cut water waste and reduce pollution
Accidents Waiting to Happen: Coal Ash
Hundreds of coal ash pits and ponds sit near the banks of American waterways, threatening toxic spills that can cause long-term damage to the environment and public health.
RESOURCE GUIDE: ‘Back to School’ advice for 2024-25
To make back to school for 2024-25 easier and more rewarding, experts have compiled advice on consumer and environmentally conscious topics.