Aaron Colonnese
Former Content Creator, Editorial & Creative Team, The Public Interest Network
Former Content Creator, Editorial & Creative Team, The Public Interest Network
In a world where misinformation spreads easily, we’re gathering trusted messengers to answer questions about the COVID-19 vaccines — our most effective tool to combat the ongoing pandemic.
Throughout 2021, PIRG’s public health team, led by Matt Wellington, has organized and facilitated a number of (virtual) community forums aimed at sharing the best information on COVID-19 so that Americans can keep themselves and their communities safe. Our Oct. 1 webinar, “Encouraging Vaccination: How to talk to your family and neighbors,” shared tips for combating vaccine misinformation, and we joined health professionals to discuss related topics such as vaccinating kids and pregnant people against COVID-19.
“We know the COVID-19 pandemic very much isn’t over yet, and every month seems to bring new information about what to expect,” said Matt. “In the coming months, we’ll continue to work with medical professionals and other experts to share the best information and keep each other safe.”
Photo: In a PIRG webinar, health experts and communicators came together to share tips for how people can communicate effectively with their unvaccinated friends, family and neighbors. Credit: Staff
Former Content Creator, Editorial & Creative Team, The Public Interest Network