Electric vehicles

We have all the tools to build an electric vehicle future — we just have to use them.

Whether you own an electric car, or you’re figuring out if an EV is right for you, or you just think electric cars are cool — we can all get excited about the benefits of putting more EVs on the road. Cleaner cars mean cleaner air, healthier communities and a safer climate.

And why wait, when electric vehicles are ready to roll across the country, and we’re closer than ever to a future where our kids ride electric buses to school, our mail and packages arrive on electric trucks, and most new cars sold get plugged in at night? Together, we can accelerate the transition to an electric vehicle future.

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Did You Know?
Global electric car sales doubled from 2020 to 2021.

What We're Doing

One of the primary barriers to putting even more EVs on the road is lack of access to public charging stations — which is why we're urging governors across the country to invest in charging infrastructure.

Take action with us.

The Latest
New Trouble in the Air report shows NJ metro regions average 46 days of unhealthy air in 2020

Clean air

New Trouble in the Air report shows NJ metro regions average 46 days of unhealthy air in 2020

The six metropolitan regions of the state, stretching from Atlantic City to Jersey City, suffered through an average of 46 days of elevated air pollution in 2020, according to a new report from Environment New Jersey Research & Policy Center, Frontier Group and the NJPIRG Law & Policy Center.

Media Releases  

New report: More than one in six Americans experienced greater than 100 days of polluted air in 2020

Clean air

New report: More than one in six Americans experienced greater than 100 days of polluted air in 2020

More than one in six Americans, 58.4 million people, suffered through more than 100 days of elevated air pollution in 2020, according to a new report from Environment America Research & Policy Center, Frontier Group and U.S. PIRG Education Fund. Air pollution increases the risk of premature death, asthma attacks, cancer and other adverse health impacts. 

Media Releases  

New report proposes roadmap for how to transform America’s transportation infrastructure

Biking, walking & transit

New report proposes roadmap for how to transform America’s transportation infrastructure

America’s current transportation system has been designed, built and centered around the automobile, and it is a public health disaster. U.S. PIRG Education Fund and Frontier Group’s latest report, Transform Transportation, identifies the numerous harmful health impacts caused by America’s car-centric transportation system and provides a three-step roadmap toward a healthier, more sustainable approach to transportation infrastructure.

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