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Tell the CFPB: Don’t let data brokers buy and sell our personal info

These companies simply shouldn't be allowed to make billions of dollars every year buying and selling our personal information.

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I decided to support an organization that doesn’t seem to rely on partisan politics to accomplish goals, and as a pediatrician, I have been especially interested in OSPIRG’s projects that impact the health of children and infants... Patricia Jett, Member
I’ve continued to support PIRG’s work because I want to help to eliminate single-use plastics, protect the planet and save the bees, and address consumer protection issues. Don Ewing, Member
I think your organization has done a great job selecting issues where the public interest needs an advocate. Clare Feinson, Member
I like that PIRG digs down and finds ways the system has been rigged against our long-term welfare and tries to translate that into legislative and legal action at the state, local and national levels. Nick Bridge, Member
...there is a huge need for groups such as CALPIRG to watch out for “the little guy” and for the planet. Being part of CALPIRG makes me feel like I’m part of the team even though I’m not actually doing the work. Anastasia "Stacey" Bertolet, Member