Accidents Waiting to Happen: Factory Farms
Waste lagoons used by industrial-scale livestock operations threaten spills that can cause catastrophic damage to America’s rivers, lakes and streams.
Waste lagoons used by industrial-scale livestock operations threaten spills that can cause catastrophic damage to America’s rivers, lakes and streams.
America’s most polluting power plants emit more greenhouse gas pollution than some entire states. New standards addressing pollution from those plants and the growth of wind and solar energy could make a big difference for the climate.
Pipelines transport billions of barrels of oil across the U.S. each year, frequently passing over or near waterways. Since 2004, pipeline spills have released more than 750,000 barrels of oil into the environment.
New appliance efficiency standards will save New Hampshire consumers and businesses money and reduce pollution
Hundreds of coal ash pits and ponds sit near the banks of American waterways, threatening toxic spills that can cause long-term damage to the environment and public health.
New map reveals that pre-production microplastics are produced in over half of U.S. states. This map can help identify potential plastic pellet pollution spots near you.
When the oil industry attempted to reverse California's Global Warming Solutions Act, Environment California and CALPIRG stepped in to defend climate action.
Starting in Massachusetts, PIRG led campaigns to limit carbon emissions from power plants across the country in an attempt to fight climate change.
In order to protect public health, PIRG launched a campaign urging restaurant chains to phase out routine antibiotic use in poultry and livestock operations.