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Trouble in Toyland 2024: Unsafe toys that slip through border

Loophole allows unsafe toys from overseas to flood market; inexpensive products often aren't inspected and don't meet U.S. safety standards


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Accidents Waiting to Happen: Oil Pipelines
Cleanup workers attempt to contain crude oil from a pipeline spill in Smackover, Ark. Approximately 2,500 barrels of oil were spilled, with oil from the spill reaching Holmes Creek and Smackover Creek.

Clean water

Accidents Waiting to Happen: Oil Pipelines

Pipelines transport billions of barrels of oil across the U.S. each year, frequently passing over or near waterways. Since 2004, pipeline spills have released more than 750,000 barrels of oil into the environment.


Accidents Waiting to Happen: Coal Ash
coal ash spill at a power plant in Tennessee

Clean water

Accidents Waiting to Happen: Coal Ash

Hundreds of coal ash pits and ponds sit near the banks of American waterways, threatening toxic spills that can cause long-term damage to the environment and public health.


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