Aaron Colonnese
Former Content Creator, Editorial & Creative Team, The Public Interest Network
Former Content Creator, Editorial & Creative Team, The Public Interest Network
One of the most effective ways we can tackle the growing threat of antibiotic-resistant infections (and even help prevent the next pandemic) is to stop the overuse of antibiotics on factory farms.
That’s why we applauded Wendy’s, one of the largest beef buyers in the country, for its commitment to end all routine use of medically important antibiotics in its beef supplies by the end of 2030. Although it’s a big step forward, we are urging the company to implement its commitment quicker than the proposed timeline, given the threat antibiotic resistance poses now.
U.S. PIRG Education Fund’s July report, Chain Reaction VI, shows the continued need for an industry-wide shift in how our favorite restaurants source their meat. Twelve of the 20 chains scored received an “F” for their lack of policies to curb the overuse of antibiotics in their supply chains.
“Commitments from major industry players are a good start, but we can’t stop there,” said Matt Wellington, director of PIRG’s Public Health Campaigns. “Efforts to protect our lifesaving antibiotics have resulted in a huge reduction in their use on chickens—and when Wendy’s and McDonald’s follow through on their commitments, it could do the same thing for beef.”
Another major beef buyer, McDonald's, made a commitment in 2018 to set reduction targets for the use of medically important antibiotics in its beef supply chain by the end of 2020. But that deadline has come and gone, with no word from McDonald's on what the targets are. Add your name to urge McDonald's to keep its promise and reduce the use of our lifesaving medicines in its beef supply chain.
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Former Content Creator, Editorial & Creative Team, The Public Interest Network