Media Contacts
Senior Director, Federal Consumer Program, PIRG
On Wednesday, May 16, the Senate will vote on an issue that affects every Internet-using American: net neutrality. Sen. Ed Markey (MA) has proposed a Resolution of Disapproval, SJR52, under the Congressional Review Act, to repeal the current Federal Communications Commission’s February 2018 action rescinding the 2015 Open Internet Order. A simple majority vote in both Houses is required.
Ed Mierzwinski, Senior Director, Consumer Programs for U.S. PIRG, released the following statement:
“A vote to reinstate net neutrality is a vote to keep the Internet acting as a marketplace for all ideas. Without net neutrality, the Internet, which belongs to everyone and every idea, has been placed under the control of powerful telephone and cable company gatekeepers. They can throttle or even block some content to let their favored content speed along. This harms consumers and citizens, small businesses, innovators and even our culture of freedom and democracy. U.S. PIRG supports the Congressional Resolution of Disapproval of the reckless FCC action, because that would be the first step to reinstate the net neutrality promised by the 2015 Open Internet Order.”