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U.S. PIRG Education Fund
In light of recent, high profile data breaches at Marriott and Quora and a new government report about Equifax’s breach, consumer group U.S. PIRG Education Fund is launching an online campaign to protect consumers as they use their credit and debit cards to travel and buy gifts this holiday season.
“Breached companies from Equifax to Marriott have failed to clearly explain the risks posed by their breaches and the steps consumers can take to protect themselves,” said Mike Litt, consumer campaign director for U.S. PIRG Education Fund. “Depending on what information thieves steal in a data breach, consumers could be victims of many different types of identity theft and fraud.”
The weeklong online “ID Theft Protection Week” campaign highlights tips for consumers to protect themselves from identity theft and other fraud.
U.S. PIRG Education Fund recommends that consumers take the following steps, whether their information was stolen in high profile breaches or not.
New Account Fraud (including cell phone, credit card, loan and utilities accounts): Get credit freezes at all three nationwide credit bureaus — Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.
Tax Refund Fraud: File your taxes as soon as possible, before thieves do. Also, if you qualify, get an Identity Protection (IP) PIN.
Phishing Scams: Ignore unsolicited requests for information by email, links, phone calls, pop-up windows or text messages.
More tips for protecting yourself from identity theft and fraud are available here.
“Why pay monthly fees for overpriced ID theft services when you can protect yourself for free?” asked Litt.