Deirdre Cummings
Legislative Director, MASSPIRG
[email protected]
Legislative Director, MASSPIRG
[email protected]
Boston, May 23 – The contaminated drug that caused last fall’s fungal meningitis outbreak and killed 55 people is just the tip of the iceberg of an industry-wide problem, according to a new report released today by MASSPIRG. The meningitis outbreak, which was traced back to the Framingham- based New England Compounding Center, was simply the latest and deadliest in a long line of errors and risky practices by compounding pharmacies across the country.
“Consumers should always be confident that their drugs are safe and effective, regardless of whether their drugs are manufactured at a compounding facility or a pharmaceutical company. Our prescription drugs should not lead to the illness and death of our loved ones,” said Deirdre Cummings, Legislative Director of MASSPIRG.
Traditionally, compounding pharmacies have engaged in the practice of customizing a medication for a particular patient – such as altering the dosage or turning a pill into a liquid for patients who have difficulty swallowing. But now, large compounding pharmacies are behaving exactly like drug manufacturers. Although they manufacture drugs in bulk, large compounding pharmacies do not conduct rigorous testing, nor do they adhere to safe manufacturing processes that pharmaceutical companies are required to implement. Instead they are exploiting legal loopholes in the law to escape the necessary safety standards and oversight.
The report, “Prescription for Danger,” analyzed more than 40 warning letters issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to compounding pharmacies from January 2002 to December 2012. Each firm was cited for multiple violations of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, such as making new drugs that have not been tested for safety and effectiveness, and making drugs in unsanitary conditions.
“For too long compounding pharmacies have been governed by fragmented regulations leading to the worst public health disaster in recent memory,” continued Cummings.
“Congress must give the FDA the authority it needs to ensure that drugs made in compounding pharmacies are safe ” said Cummings. “We must never repeat the avoidable tragedy of having contaminated and unsafe drugs on the market again.”
The report highlights some of the most blatant violations by compounding pharmacies, including:
In 2002, consumers complained about arthritis pain relief injections produced by Lee Pharmacy in Fort Smith, Arkansas. The FDA analyzed the injections and found they were contaminated with penicilliium rugulosum, a potentially lethal fungus.
In addition, the Joint Committee on Public Health, a state legislative committee, is reviewing legislative proposals to step up inspections and oversight of compounding facilities in Massachusetts including reorganizing the state Board of Pharmacy by requiring certain professional expertise and eliminating conflicts of interest, establishing whistle blower protections, establishing licensing requirements and fining authority to help enforce safety regulations.
The report is available at
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