Deirdre Cummings
Legislative Director, MASSPIRG
[email protected]
Legislative Director, MASSPIRG
[email protected]
The Massachusetts legislature took a significant step forward in tackling soaring health care costs when they passed the health care cost containment bill in their last formal meeting of the 2011-12 legislative session.
“This is good news for every resident of the Commonwealth,” said Deirdre Cummings, MASSPIRG’s legislative director. “With health care costs expected to double by 2020, we couldn’t afford delay or inaction.”
The new health reforms are estimated to save $200 billion in projected health care expenses over the next 15 years. The reforms encourage insurers and health care providers to adopt alternative payment and care delivery models focused on preventive care and patient health rather than the quantity of services and tests performed, invests in public health, and promotes common sense and long overdue administrative efficiencies.
Some of the key health reforms include:
1-Payment Reform
The single factor most responsible for runaway health care costs is that most doctors and hospitals are paid according to the quantity, not the quality of care they provide.
2-Streamlined Billing and Information Technology
In our fractured, balkanized health care system, we are drowning in administrative inefficiencies. One example: the array of different forms, codes, and billing procedures insurers require doctors to use. These systems are different for each insurer and often rely on paper records. Further, increased use of computerized systems integrating all of a patient’s health care data reduces medical errors and improves coordinated care.
3-Investing in Public Health and Prevention
Investments in public health lower health care costs by preventing health conditions that drive up health care spending, such as diabetes, heart disease and asthma. Data shows that upfront investments in prevention reap significant savings throughout the health care system.
When empowered with clear, comparable, timely and meaningful cost and quality data, health care consumers are better able to leverage appropriate care and at lower costs.
5-Consumer Protection
More Resources:
Legislative Fact Sheet on the Health Care Cost Control Reforms