Chain Reaction V
How top restaurants rate on reducing antibiotic use in their beef supplies
The Chain Reaction V report grades the top fast food and fast casual chanins on antibiotic use policies for their beef supply chains.
How top restaurants rate on reducing antibiotic use in their beef supplies
U.S. PIRG Education Fund
The Chain Reaction V report grades top fast food and fast casual chains on antibiotic use in their beef supplies. The majority recieved failing grades for having no established policy to restrict antibiotic use in their beef supply chains. This is a stark contrast to the stunning antibiotic success story that has unfolded across the chicken industry in the past decade, driven in large part by meaningful policies adopted by fast food companies.
Leading public health experts have long warned that curbing overuse of these drugs in livestock is essential to combating the growing epidemic of antibiotic-resistant infections in people and animals. In the absence of federal action, leadership in the marketplace is critical to solving this problem.
The report was produced by NRDC, the Antibiotic Resistance Action Center at Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University, Consumer Reports, Food Animal Concerns Trust, U.S. PIRG Education Fund and Center for Food Safety.
For the first time this year the groups recognized companies for significant progress, leadership and foot-dragging with the following superlatives:
· BIGGEST WANNABE: Wendy’s. The nation’s third-largest burger chain has made only a token gesture toward addressing the problem in its beef supply chain. It has cut the use of just one of more than two dozen medically important antibiotics approved for use in the cattle industry by just 20%, and in just 30% of its beef supply.
· BIGGEST MOOVER: McDonald’s. The largest beef purchaser in the world, McDonald’s had no policy for antibiotics use in beef until last December when it committed to curtailing routine medically important antibiotic use across its vast global supply chain and setting concrete reduction targets by the end of 2020.
· EARLY LEADERS: Chipotle and Panera. These were the first two major national chains to address antibiotics in their meat supplies. Both currently serve only beef raised without the routine use of antibiotics.
· BEST BURGER JOINTS: BurgerFi and Shake Shack. While these restaurants were not graded in this year’s report because they are not among the overall top restaurant chains in the country, they earned this recognition for being the two largest U.S. burger chains already implementing strong policies. These companies exclusively serve responsibly raised beef across all of their restaurants. They both also posted higher year-over-years sales from 2017 to 2018, confirming better beef is a win for the bottom line.
The report also graded the top fast food restaurants nationwide on the antibiotic use policies and practices behind the beef served in their restaurants.
Top performers were Chipotle (A) and Panera (A-), which earned grades in the “A” range for the fifth year in a row.
They were followed by McDonald’s (C) and Subway (C). Like McDonald’s, Subway has strong policies on the books, but has yet to begin implementing them.
Wendy’s (D+) earned a grade in the “D” range for the second year in a row. Meanwhile, Taco Bell received a “D” for taking a minor step in the right direction with a commitment to reduce medically important antibiotics by 25% by 2025.
The remaining chains graded on the scorecard received an “F” because they have not established policies restricting antibiotic use in their beef supply chains: Arby’s, Applebee’s, Buffalo Wild Wings, Burger King, Chili’s, Dairy Queen, Domino’s Pizza, IHOP, Jack in the Box, Little Caesar’s, Olive Garden, Panda Express, Pizza Hut, Sonic and Starbucks.
A new estimate puts the death toll from antibiotic-resistant infections in the U.S. at more than 160,000 deaths a year, which would make it the fourth leading cause of death in the country.
Nearly two-thirds of antibiotics that are important for human medicine are currently sold for use in livestock, not people. The cattle industry consumes more than any other sector.
These drugs are routinely given to healthy cattle as poor compensation for inappropriate diets and the stressful, crowded and unsanitary conditions on industrial feedlots. This practice hastens the spread of antibiotic resistance in bacteria and increases the risk of drug-resistant infections in people.
In contrast to beef, the vast majority—92%—of chicken sold in the U.S. last year was produced without the use of antibiotics considered medically important by the FDA. Much of the positive change in chicken production has happened in the past five years. The fast food industry—under pressure from consumers and the groups behind the Chain Reaction scorecard—has been a driving force behind that progress.
A 2018 Consumer Reports nationally representative survey of 1,014 adults found that 78% of respondents agreed that meat producers should stop giving antibiotics to animals that aren’t sick. Fifty-nine percent said they would be more likely to eat at a restaurant that serves meat raised without antibiotics.