New text scam claiming to be from EZpass

Consumers warned of new text scam

Patrick Tomasso |

MassDot alerts the public of smishing scam

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation is warning drivers of a text message-based scam, also known as smishing, which is fraudulently claiming to represent tolling agencies from across the country. The scammers are claiming to represent the tolling agency and requesting payment for unpaid tolls.

So many drivers have EZ pass that the scammers can assume most of the recipients of the text will have an account and may be tricked into clicking a link.

MassDOT has reported that the targeted phone numbers seem to be chosen at random and are not uniquely associated with an account or usage of toll roads.

Customers who receive an unsolicited text, email, or similar message suggesting it is from EZDriveMA or another toll agency should not click on the link.

MassDOT reports that:

  • EZDriveMA will never request payment by text
  • All links associated with EZDriveMA will include

This scam is part of a series of smishing scams that the FBI is aware of. The FBI recommends individuals that receive the fraudulent messages do the following:

  1. File a complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center C3– include:
    • The phone number from where the text originated
    • The website listed within the text
  2. Check your account using the toll service’s legitimate website.
  3. Contact the toll service’s customer service phone number at 877-627-7745
  4. Delete any smishing texts received.
  5. If you clicked any link or provided your information, take efforts to secure your personal information and financial accounts. Dispute any unfamiliar charges.
  6. You can contact EZDriveMA at with any questions about notifications.

You may also want to consider “freezing” your credit reports, preventing scammers from taking out credit in your name. See PIRG’s guide to freezing your credit report.


Deirdre Cummings

Consumer Program Director, MASSPIRG Education Fund

Deirdre runs MASSPIRG’s public health, consumer protection and tax and budget programs. Deirdre has led campaigns to improve public records law and require all state spending to be transparent and available on an easy-to-use website, close $400 million in corporate tax loopholes, protect the state’s retail sales laws to reduce overcharges and preserve price disclosures, reduce costs of health insurance and prescription drugs, and more. Deirdre also oversees a Consumer Action Center in Weymouth, Mass., which has mediated 17,000 complaints and returned $4 million to Massachusetts consumers since 1989. Deirdre currently resides in Maynard, Mass., with her family. Over the years she has visited all but one of the state's 351 towns — Gosnold.