Fall legislative briefing series
Environment America, PIRG and our state affiliates teamed up for a series of brief, informative webinars for state lawmakers and their staff on key issues affecting our environment, our health, and our well-being.

Renewables on the rise
America produces more than three times as much power from the sun, the wind and the earth as we did in 2013, with growth in all 50 states. Key technologies such as electric vehicles and battery storage are also booming, helping to repower America with clean energy. On this legislative briefing, advocates reviewed the latest trends of how key clean energy technologies are growing, discussed state-level policy ideas that promise to accelerate clean energy adoption and shared resources.
Waste is out of fashion
Designed to last: Repair scores for laptops, phone, and appliances
Repair scores for tech such as laptops, phones, and appliances, are like EnergyGuide labels for repairability. They provide consumers with a 1 through 10 score that measures availability of spare parts, ease of disassembly, and longevity of support, before they purchase expensive devices.
Small machines, big pollution: Achieving cleaner air by shifting away from gas-powered lawn equipment
From ozone-forming emissions to particulate matter to greenhouse gasses, we no longer have to tolerate so much pollution — and noise — when cutting grass and maintaining our gardens and landscapes. In this webinar we heard from air quality leaders about different policy solutions to cut pollution from the lawn and garden sector by shifting to cleaner, quieter electric equipment.

State actions to protect consumers in the marketplace
An increasingly online and global marketplace has expanded consumer options. But predatory practices and hidden dangers continue to threaten our safety and financial security. State legislators are taking action to stand up for consumers.
How states can help save the bees
Turning off the toxic tap: Stopping the discharge of toxic “forever chemicals”
Until we can fully phase out the use of PFAS, we need to ensure that industries do not release these chemicals into our waterways. While few, if any, permits allow direct discharges of PFAS, states must also stop companies from sending PFAS to sewage treatment plants or releasing them in stormwater. Now is the time for states to act.

Event highlights role of states in stopping industries from dumping toxic PFAS
Emergency: The need for ambulance surprise billing protections
Patients have a 50% chance of being transported by an out-of-network ambulance in emergency situations. That means they are at risk of receiving an expensive out-of-network bill. Ambulances were exempted from the federal No Surprises Act protections.
This briefing briefly reviewed patient protections under the federal No Surprises Act, as well as explained the ongoing problem of ambulance surprise bills. Along with California Assemblymember Tasha Boerner, we gave a run-down on the solutions implemented in the 14 states that have enacted state ambulance surprise bill protections and how legislators can protect patients in their state.
For more information, check out our report on the cost of ground ambulance surprise bills. If you’ve received a surprise ambulance bill, tell us your story here.
Uniting states against plastic pollution
Smart policies for EV fleets that can save states millions
States can enact policies that save millions of dollars and increase clean, electric vehicles in state and local fleets.

Electric Vehicles Save Money for Government Fleets
How to protect our global forests through state level action
Co-sponsored by Environment America, Natural Resources Defense Council, Friends of the Earth, and Standing Trees. State legislatures can act to protect state forests, urge the federal government to protect national forest lands and take action to protect tropical forests and boreal forests by changing procurement practices and policies on the state level.