MASSPIRG’s 2023-2024 Legislative Agenda

MASSPIRG is working to safeguard public health, protect consumers in the marketplace, transform our energy and transportation systems, reduce waste, remove toxic threats, curb wasteful spending, revitalize our democracy, and protect our environment.

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MASSPIRG’s mission is to deliver persistent, results-oriented public interest activism that protects consumers, the environment, encourages a fair, sustainable economy and fosters responsive democratic government.

Each legislative session, we work on bills that advance public interest reforms, collaborating with the chief sponsors and cosponsors to promote them. This session there are hundreds of policies being considered which could safeguard public health, protect consumers in the marketplace, transform our energy and transportation systems, reduce waste, remove toxic threats, curb wasteful spending, revitalize our democracy, and protect our environment.

See our select priorities below.

MASSPIRG Legislative Agenda 2023-2024


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