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Release: New consumer guide warns against use of ‘medical credit cards’
Payment method can worsen financial burden on patients already struggling to pay for health care
What does Apple’s reversal on Right to Repair mean?
Apple endorsed Right to Repair legislation in California. What comes next?
Are Amazon’s packages as recyclable as the company claims?
A group of PIRG volunteers investigated — and they tracked Amazon’s plastic packaging to some surprising places.
New Biden clean cars proposal will spur electric vehicle adoption, slash pollution
The Biden administration proposed Wednesday some of the most ambitious vehicle pollution limits in the world, following similar actions by many U.S. states. The pending rule from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is designed to ensure that all-electric cars make up as many as 2 out of every 3 new passenger vehicles sold in the United States by 2032.
Hundreds of thousands call on the EPA to slash soot pollution
Advocates with Environment America, PennEnvironment and U.S. PIRG joined other health and environmental groups to deliver more than 500,000 public comments to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) headquarters Tuesday in support of stronger limits on soot pollution.