Maryland Attorney General, People’s Counsel, elected officials, advocates call out BGE rate hikes, legislative action

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Soaring home heating bills, driven by BGE’s wasteful spending on gas pipeline replacement , have placed additional strain on Baltimore residents, requiring immediate legislative action. 

BALTIMORE — Del. Elizabeth Embry today announced legislation to lower energy costs for Maryland residents and increase utility accountability. Del. Embry was joined by Maryland Attorney General Anthony Brown, People’s Counsel David Lapp, Baltimore City Council President Zeke Cohen and a statewide coalition of labor, consumer, and climate advocates to respond to Baltimore Gas & Electric’s (BGE) latest rate hikes at a press conference at Baltimore City Hall.

In 2023, a record-breaking 80,000 BGE customers had their power shut off after falling behind on utility bills. BGE gas delivery rates have tripled in the last decade, due in large part to the company’s multi-billion dollar pipeline replacement program, which has prioritized system expansion over safety. On January 1st, BGE again increased gas delivery rates, putting additional financial strain on their customers.

The Ratepayer Protection Act (HB0419) requires utilities to prioritize identifying and addressing gas leaks and rein in excessive pipeline spending to improve safety, while lowering costs. According to federal data, BGE’s hazardous leaks per year have increased in the last decade, escalating from 2,400 in 2011 to over 4,000 in 2023.

Upgrade Maryland, a new statewide coalition working to lower energy bills and build healthier communities by upgrading homes with the latest efficient electric equipment, is supporting the proposed legislation and calling on the Maryland Public Service Commission to rein in unnecessary pipeline spending.

A hearing for the bill is scheduled for February 6th in the House of Delegates, offering legislators a critical opportunity to address these urgent issues. State Senator Mary Washington is expected to introduce companion legislation to the bill in the State Senate.


“Marylanders deserve affordable utility rates,” said Attorney General Brown. “Utility companies must provide safe, reliable service at a price everyone can afford. If they fail to do so, the General Assembly should empower the Public Service Commission to ensure fair, reasonable costs that align with the State’s climate goals.”

“Maryland residents are being burdened by high energy costs because of BGE’s unnecessary spending on the full-scale replacement of costly, polluting methane gas pipelines,” said Del. Elizabeth Embry. “It shouldn’t cost a fortune to stay warm and comfortable during the cold. I’m proud to stand with advocates today in introducing legislation that will lead to lower energy costs for hardworking Maryland families and households.”

“The single-most important action Maryland can take to address today’s massive utility bills is to reform the STRIDE law,” said Maryland People’s Counsel David S. Lapp. “Without curbing gas infrastructure spending, in about ten years most Maryland gas customers will be paying about double the crushing distribution rates they are paying today.”

“BGE’s multi-billion dollar pipeline replacement program has failed to improve safety and is a financial disaster. We urge the legislature to intervene now, before things get worse,” said Emily Scarr, Senior Advisor at Maryland PIRG. 

“As their bills continue to rise, working Baltimore residents deserve to know that their BGE payments are going towards infrastructure improvements,” said Ricarra Jones, Political Director for 1199SEIU UHWE in Maryland and Washington DC. “1199SEIU urges the legislature to pass the Ratepayer Protection Act to ensure that BGE remains accountable to our city’s residents.”

“By prioritizing pipeline safety over gas system expansion, the Ratepayer Protect Act addresses the energy affordability and climate crises,” said Brittany Baker, Maryland Director of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network. “We are proud to stand with state leaders and consumer advocates calling on the state legislature to reform gas pipeline spending to cost less, make us safer, and facilitate the transition to clean energy.”

“AARP Maryland supports HB 419 because it introduces much-needed reforms that protect ratepayers from unchecked rate hikes while ensuring that any approved infrastructure upgrades are necessary and beneficial, “ said AARP Maryland’s Tammy Bresnahan. “This bill strikes a balance between safety and affordability, making it an essential step toward supporting Maryland’s aging population and ensuring that natural gas services remain within reach for all.”
