Farmers just want to be able to fix their stuff. Tractor dealer consolidation is getting in the way.

Right to Repair is essential to the livelihoods of farmers across the country — and it’s being seriously threatened by corporate consolidation.
On Feb. 24, PIRG released “Deere in the Headlights II,” a report examining the obstacles farmers face when they need to repair a crucial piece of farm equipment such as a tractor. Our research found that John Deere, which controls 53% of the country’s large tractor market, has consolidated a huge percentage of its dealership locations into large chains — which, combined with unfair restrictions on the software needed to repair modern tractors, leads to costly bills for farmers and delays that can put their crops at risk.
“Between repair restrictions and dealership consolidation, farmers are feeling hog-tied,” said PIRG Right to Repair Campaign Director Kevin O’Reilly. “Many have only one dealership chain within a hundred miles that services their brand of equipment.”
“Finding repair options shouldn’t be like searching for a needle in a haystack. That’s why we’re urging Congress to pass the Agricultural Right to Repair Act and let our nation’s farmers fix their stuff.”

See the Campaign

Right To Repair

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