What You Can Do
Tell Amazon: Stop selling bee-killing pesticides
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Is there plastic in my tea?
Plastic and microplastic just keeps showing up in the bizarrest of places
PIRG’s 2024 highlights
Five highlights of how our advocacy and action in 2024 helped make society healthier, safer and more sustainable, and the marketplace a little more honest and transparent for consumers.
Statement: FTC announces suit against John Deere for allegedly monopolizing repair
Announcement comes after years of research, advocacy about barriers to farm equipment repair
How Dunkin’ can help us reduce waste, one refill at a time
There are many times when single-use waste could be avoided, and our morning cup of coffee is one of them.
Chicago to run on 100% renewable energy
Starting January 1 all city-owned buildings, including both airports, are powered by 100% renewable energy.