Media Contacts
State Director, Illinois PIRG; Energy and Utilities Program Director, PIRG
Decision makers in Springfield Should Pass the Illinois Clean Jobs Bill
Illinois PIRG
Statement of Illinois PIRG Director Abe Scarr
The Clean Power Plan is the single biggest action our nation has ever taken on climate and is great news for Illinois. The Illinois General Assembly and Governor Rauner can jump start strong state implementation of the Clean Power Plan by passing the Illinois Clean Energy Jobs Bill, which will save consumers money, protect our families’ health, and ensure a safer climate for the future.
Vast majorities of Illinoisans across party lines support the carbon pollution limits, according to a recent poll. More than 172,000 comments from Illinoisans were among the 8 million submitted across the country to the EPA in favor of the plan.
Today’s action is thanks to all the Illinoisans, together with millions of Americans, who called for strong climate action. Decision makers in Springfield can now demonstrate leadership by passing the Illinois Clean Jobs Bill.