Clean energy

A new clean energy future is possible, but only if we work together to make it happen.

We can generate the power we need without polluting our air or destroying our climate. It’s time to transition away from polluting fossil fuels and instead choose wind, solar, electric and other clean, safe sources of energy. Momentum is building, and the technology we need in order to transition away from fossil fuels is better and cheaper than ever. Together, we can overcome the industry interests blocking progress and get our leaders to make the investments necessary to achieve a clean energy future.

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Did You Know?
On March 29, 2022, for a brief moment, more of America’s electricity came from wind power than from coal and nuclear plants combined.

What We're Doing

Wind isn't the only renewable power source that can make our electricity mix cleaner. Electric school buses have the potential to bring even greater benefits when equipped with technology that allows them to deliver power to buildings and back to the grid.

Learn more.

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Students host hundreds of local actions for Youth Earth Week

Global warming solutions

Students host hundreds of local actions for Youth Earth Week

BOSTON - The Student PIRGs, a student environmental organizing group, is partnering with local organizations, student governments and elected officials to host in-person and virtual actions to celebrate Youth Earth Week, a national effort of more than 250 actions around the country to protect the environment, from April 19 to 23.

Media Releases  

New report: By electrifying all its buildings, Illinois could reap tremendous health and climate benefits

Energy efficiency

New report: By electrifying all its buildings, Illinois could reap tremendous health and climate benefits

Illinois ranks 4th in the nation for potential reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from buildings and 3rd in potential reduction of gas usage, according to a new report released today by Illinois PIRG Education Fund, Environment Illinois Research & Education Center, and Frontier Group. The study, Electric Buildings: Repowering Homes and Businesses for Our Health and Environment, found that completely repowering Illinois’ homes and businesses with electricity by 2050 would result in emissions reductions of 16.1 million metric tons of carbon dioxide — equal to taking over 3.4 million cars off the road — and reductions in pipeline gas usage equal to 460.1 billion cubic feet.

Media Releases  

Year-end report: average Peoples Gas customer paid more than $130 in 2020 for pipe replacement program

Utility watchdog

Year-end report: average Peoples Gas customer paid more than $130 in 2020 for pipe replacement program

Peoples Gas released its fourth quarter report Tuesday on its troubled pipe replacement program. It shows that the average customer paid $11.67 per month over the fourth quarter -- more than ten times the $1.14 per month the legislature was told average customers would pay when it passed a law in 2013 allowing Peoples Gas to charge customers a surcharge to recover costs for the program. Over the course of the year, the average customer paid more than $130, which is 11 percent of their total bill, toward the troubled program.

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