Scrambling to find a computer for school? Learn how to shop refurbished
With a shortage of computers for students this fall, many are left wondering how they will connect. Our guide helps you shop for a refurbished computer with confidence.

In 2020, millions of students will need to fully or partially learn online … but new computer orders are delayed for months. Due to the national shortage of 5 million laptops and computers, families are scrambling to find the tech they need to start the school year off right. We’ve prepared a guide to help families shop for refurbished tech.
Rebuilt for School.
Refurbished computers cost less and are better for the environment. Our guide can help you assess device quality and choose reliable retailers or certified refurbishers.
Do you have an extra computer which might be useful to a student? Check out our blog on how you can sell, donate, or recycle your used electronic devices.

See the Campaign

Right To Repair

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Knock, knock. Who’s there? PIRG!