Tell the FTC we need stronger protections for our personal data
Using an app shouldn't require you to give up huge amounts of your detailed personal information to the online advertising industry. Urge the FTC to write stronger rules.
If you've ever used a dating app, your data has likely been collected and shared across the Internet. How do dating - and other types of apps - use your data? Advocate R.J. Cross explains.
Ever used a dating app? That data doesn’t stay private for very long. Dating apps use your data. U.S. PIRG advocate R.J. Cross explains what happens next with help from Finn Myrstad of the Norwegian Consumer Council.
While the EU has taken great strides towards strong rules to protect consumers’ data, laws in the U.S. aren’t up to the task of keeping our data safe. To rein in the data collection and surveillance practices of the online advertising industry, it’s going to take a global effort. Tell U.S. decisionmakers we need strong rules here, too, by taking action below.
Using an app shouldn't require you to give up huge amounts of your detailed personal information to the online advertising industry. Urge the FTC to write stronger rules.
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Energy Conservation & Efficiency