Health care

Surprise Medical Bills: Get the facts on the No Surprises Act

2:00 - 3:00pm EST


Over 12 million surprise bills from hospitals, physicians, emergency rooms and air ambulances have been prevented since the federal No Surprises Act went into effect last year. However, states can still play an important role in ensuring patients are better protected from unfair, unavoidable out-of-network medical bills.  PIRG held a briefing to discuss: 

  • How states can improve oversight and enforcement of the No Surprises Act
  • The need for extending surprise billing protections in provider offices, urgent care centers, and from ground ambulances, which were exempted from the federal law.
  • How you can engage with the federal Ground Ambulance and Patient Billing Advisory Committee. We were joined by PIRG’s Senior Director of Health Care Campaigns Patricia Kelmar, who serves on the committee.

Download the webinar’s handout here: Surprise Medical Bills: Get the facts on the No Surprises Act

Recording from "Surprise Medical Bills: Get the facts on the No Surprises Act"
