Medication prices can vary a ton. We found you could spend $800 more a year on a common heart medication if you went to the wrong store. And that’s just one example of how drug prices can vary within your city. We need to make some real changes in our health system to fix these runaway costs, but here are 5 tips to help you right now.
Ask 5 pharmacies to provide prices: We found drug prices varied a lot within a city. So shop around the local pharmacies and make sure to include indepedent or smaller pharmacies in your research, they are often provide lower prices.
Generic or Over-The-Counter Medications: Ask your doctor if there are generic versions with more affordable prices–they often work just as well and will save you hundreds.
Buy in Bulk: Like buying that jumbo package of paper towels at the store, purchasing a few months supply of your ongoing medication can save a ton of money.
Ask if it’s cheaper to pay without insurance: It may sound absurd, but because of complicated pricing schemes, some drugs are cheaper without insurance. Ask your pharmacist if this is the case for your medication.
Go online to find even more deals: A number of websites such as GoodRx, Blink Health, and WeRx can help you comparison shop the prices of your medications at nearby pharmacies. Our research found prices can vary by thousands of dollars a year for common medications even in the same city.
These tips should help you find the best deal while you’re looking out for your health. For more info on prescription pricing check out our report “The Real Price of Medications”.