Here’s how it works: Most creditors won’t issue you new credit without first viewing your credit report. If your credit reports are frozen, someone else can’t open an account in your name. You can still use your credit card. Your credit score won’t be affected. You’ll just be safer from identity thieves.
To freeze or thaw your credit files with the three major credit bureaus, you can do it by phone or online. While many of us prefer to do many things in life online, I (and a lot of other folks) believe it’s easier and faster to freeze your credit files by phone. There are fewer options to get confused by. You just follow the prompts. You don’t have to provide an email address or fill in your personal information online, which rightfully concerns many people.
To freeze or thaw your credit files:
Experian: 1-888-397-3742
TransUnion: 1-888-909-8872
Equifax: 1-800-685-1111
Two additional upsides of freezing/thawing by phone:
First, you can thaw your files more easily by phone if you’re not home. (It might be quicker with an app, but we don’t like unnecessary apps that track you and pilfer your information.)
Second, if you freeze/thaw online, you have to be careful to *uncheck* any box that automatically gives them permission to send you marketing and other emails.