New consumer guide: 2024 holiday air travel tips

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What flyers need to know about delays, refunds, other travel issues

CLEVELAND — To help make sure everyone’s holiday season is as festive and joyful as possible, U.S. PIRG Education Fund on Tuesday unveiled its 2024 guide to air travel. The consumer guide includes information about many laws and rules that have changed for the better. 

“For too many Americans each year, holiday travel ends up being the nightmare before, during or after Christmas,” said U.S. PIRG Education Fund Consumer Watchdog Teresa Murray. “Often, that’s because vacationers don’t know their consumer rights. We hope that this one-stop-shopping resource can lead to a happier Thanksgiving and December holidays.” 

The guide offers tips about everything from the new law guaranteeing no-hassle refunds to getting seats next to your children at no extra charge and which airlines will pay for a hotel room for you if your flight is delayed overnight.

If you would like to interview or have a background conversation with Teresa Murray for a story about holiday travel, please contact us.