Group letter opposing Nancy Beck to head CPSC
Former chemical industry official would be fox guarding henhouse
Letter from over 100 groups, including state PIRGs, opposing the president's nomination of longtime chemical industry official Nancy Beck to chair the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), which protects children, and everyone else, from dangerous products.
Excerpt from coalition letter opposing Nancy Beck, which you can download on this page:
“The CPSC is responsible for protecting consumers from hazards posed by consumer products. The agency has the responsibility for ensuring that more than 15,000 products are safe, including toys, household products, furniture, cribs, and recreation equipment including all-terrain vehicles. Robust product safety protects not only consumers, but also workers including those involved in product manufacturing and disposal, as well as fire fighters who face high risk of illness when exposed to smoke from consumer products containing toxic chemicals. From lead paint to flame retardants to toxic per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) to asbestos, Ms. Beck has fought for years to weaken safeguards designed to protect public health. As an official at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the past three years, Beck has been the architect of numerous policies to undermine health protection from toxic chemicals, increasing risk to first responders, children, and vulnerable communities.”