Small Business Supports an Updated Bottle Bill
Small, local businesses have signed on in support of updating the bottle bill, and this week we reached a milestone. Over 50 businesses -restaurants, package stores, grocers, and others - agree that it’s past time for a common sense update to the bottle bill.
A few weeks ago, our staff and interns began reaching out to small, local businesses to ask them to support updating the bottle bill. This week, we reached a milestone – over 50 businesses have signed on. That’s 50 restaurants, package stores, grocers, and other businesses that have said they support updating the bottle bill.
While our opposition will say the bottle bill is a burden on business and kills jobs, these businesses disagree. And after more than 30 years with the bottle bill, that argument has fallen flat.
In talking with many of these business owners, they agree that it’s past time for a common sense update to the bottle bill. Some have even said that an update would make recycling much simpler – currently they have to sort their sports drink and tea bottles from their other bottles before recycling. If the bottle bill covered all our single serving beverage containers, they could simply redeem all their bottles.
We’ve got the support of over 50 Connecticut businesses but we’re not done yet. In the next few weeks we’ll continue our outreach and continue to show that Connecticut businesses support updating the bottle bill.
Pictured: Our intern Austin speaking with a business owner in Hamden.