Governor’s Recycling Bill Advances
The Governor's recycling bill, Senate Bill 27, has been reported favorably out of the Environment Committee.
The Governor’s recycling bill, Senate Bill 27, has been reported favorably out of the Environment Committee.
The bill underwent some changes, which we are still reviewing, but the key principles stay the same: setting a goal of doubling recyling rates in the next decade and starting the process to replace the incinterator in Hartford with modern reuse, recycling and composting infrastrcture.
ConnPIRG has been the leading voice in Connecticut for moving the state more agressively away from our current practice of burning more trash per person than any other state in the country and towards zero waste. We are supporting the Governor’s bill becuase it moves the state in the right direction. You can read our testimony here. Some of our recomendations were adopted as part the latest version of the bill.