Tell the governor: Continue bold action to clean up our air
Ask the governor to solve our ozone pollution problem and make our air safer to breathe.
New American Lung Association report paints a less than rosy picture
During Earth Week 2024, the American Lung Association released their 25th annual “State of the Air” Report. The report analyzes data from official air quality monitors across the country and ranks and grades American cities and counties based on their levels of pollutants such as ozone and particulate matter.
Unfortunately, the 2024 report showed high levels of both forms of air pollution in Colorado. Some of the findings:
Ground-level ozone pollution forms when nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) combine chemically in the presence of sunlight. Exposure to ozone can cause harmful health effects including lung damage, worsening of existing respiratory conditions such as asthma, and even cardiovascular disease. For its part, particle pollution has been linked to respiratory ailments, reproductive and mental health issues, and even premature death.
For more about ways we can clean up our air, visit www.CleanAirColorado.org.
Ask the governor to solve our ozone pollution problem and make our air safer to breathe.
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