The Other Side of the Street

How Thousands of Coloradans Are Missing Out on Energy Cost Savings

However, thousands of Coloradans miss out on energy cost saving programs simply because of the side of the street that they live on.  To help homeowners and businesses with their bills, all electric utilities in Colorado should offer comprehensive energy efficiency programs by setting a target to reduce consumer energy demand by 10% by 2020.



Energy efficiency measures – from lighting systems to better insulation – reduce electricity use and save families and businesses money in the face of rising electricity costs. Moreover, reduced demand for energy can reduce energy prices, benefiting everyone in the state. Even simple efficiency measures can have a big impact—a family swapping their incandescent light bulbs for CFLs can save $240 per year.i

However, thousands of Coloradans miss out on energy cost saving programs simply because of the side of the street that they live on.  To help homeowners and businesses with their bills, all electric utilities in Colorado should offer comprehensive energy efficiency programs by setting a target to reduce consumer energy demand by 10% by 2020.

Energy costs are rising

Energy costs have increased 61% over the last decade in Colorado. Without action, this trend will continue as Colorado’s population grows and utilities build more costly, new power generation.

Improving efficiency can reduce energy bills for Colorado families

Energy efficiency can save Coloradans money up-front by investing in it, and it is the cheapest resource utilities can utilize—meaning all Coloradans will save money. Utility programs to promote consumer energy efficiency are very successful. For example, Xcel Energy will cut its consumer demand by 11.5% by 2020, saving is ratepayers $250 million.

Not all Coloradans have access to energy efficiency programs

Despite the success utility energy efficiency programs have in saving consumer money, not all utilities in Colorado run these programs. This means Coloradans have very different access to important energy efficiency programs.  In some cases, this means Coloradans on one side of a street can save hundreds while their neighbors on the other side are left in the dark.  

All utilities should have a policy to reduce consumer demand

To save all Coloradans money, all Colorado utilities should have a target to reduce consumer energy demand 10% by 2020.

i Energy Star Life Cycle Estimate Costs for CFLs…