Analysis of Right to Repair legislation by Samuelson-Glushko Technology Law & Policy Clinic at Colorado Law

The Samuelson-Glushko Technology Law & Policy Clinic at Colorado Law testimony to the Colorado Senate Busines, Labor and Technology committee on Colorado Right to Repair legislation - April 15, 2022. They found no conflict between legislation proposed in 2020, 2021, and 2022 and federal laws including Intellectual Property Law, Device Security and Compliance, Warranty and Contract Law, Interstate Commerce and Antitrust and Competition Law


“As part of our coursework at the Samuelson-Glushko Technology Law & Policy Clinic at Colorado Law and at the invitation of Rep. Brianna Titone, we have conducted a review of the proposed Consumer Right to Repair Powered Wheelchairs (CRRPW), House Bill 22-1031, following up on a similar analysis the Clinic provided last year on the Consumer Digital Repair Bill of Rights (House Bill 21-1199), and are pleased to offer this written testimony.”

Download the full testimony to read more.


Danny Katz

Executive Director, CoPIRG

Danny has been the director of CoPIRG for over a decade. Danny co-authored a groundbreaking report on the state’s transit, walking and biking needs and is a co-author of the annual “State of Recycling” report. He also helped write a 2016 Denver initiative to create a public matching campaign finance program and led the early effort to eliminate predatory payday loans in Colorado. Danny serves on the Colorado Department of Transportation's (CDOT) Efficiency and Accountability Committee, CDOT's Transit and Rail Advisory Committee, RTD's Reimagine Advisory Committee, the Denver Moves Everyone Think Tank, and the I-70 Collaborative Effort. Danny lobbies federal, state and local elected officials on transportation electrification, multimodal transportation, zero waste, consumer protection and public health issues. He appears frequently in local media outlets and is active in a number of coalitions. He resides in Denver with his family, where he enjoys biking and skiing, the neighborhood food scene and raising chickens.