Danny Katz
Executive Director, CoPIRG
Executive Director, CoPIRG
DENVER — Recognizing the path to Colorado’s 2030 transportation system begins with the decisions made in 2022, a coalition of transit, biking, and walking advocates released a new roadmap calling for a recalibration of today’s transportation dollars to meet the state’s future needs safely and efficiently while reducing pollution and the historical inequities that come from a lack of clean, travel options.
The new roadmap, released by Bicycle Colorado, CoPIRG, SWEEP, NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) and the Denver Streets Partnership, comes as state and local leaders are working to finalize a list of transportation projects to be included in the regional Transportation Improvement Plans (TIP) and the statewide 10-year transportation plan. To successfully rebalance our transportation system, hundreds of millions must be shifted away from highway capacity projects, which would exacerbate the current imbalance in Colorado’s transportation system.
With CDOT and Front Range agencies poised to prioritize approximately $4 billion in transportation investments over the next year, the roadmap calls on decision makers to rebalance our transportation system by focusing dollars on five major areas:
“We’re asking our leaders to take bold action by rebalancing funding from costly road expansion projects to clean transportation that increases travel options and decreases greenhouse gas emissions,” said Rachel Hultin, sustainable transportation director for Bicycle Colorado and lead author of the report. “We can move on from congested streets and highways that pollute our air and reduce our quality of life, and now is the time to make it happen with the unprecedented influx of federal and state transportation funding in transit, biking, and walking coming to Colorado.”
The groups delivered their vision, Recalibrating Transportation, to leaders at CDOT and regional planning organizations like the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG), which will be making major planning and funding decisions in the next few months, including finalizing the state’s 10-year transportation plan and identifying projects for the TIPs.
Each year hundreds of millions of dollars are spent to try to increase the ability for people in cars to travel quickly while many Coloradans lack safe, reliable options to reach their destination without relying on a car.
Without alternatives to driving, people and goods are stuck in worsening traffic across the state. Air pollution is setting records and climate change is fueling extreme weather and drought, with disproportionate impacts on those who live closest to major roads and highways. Every year hundreds of people die unnecessarily on our streets when hit by motorists, making options like walking and riding a bike unsafe.
The vision calls for investing Colorado’s transportation dollars in the expansion of transit, walking, and biking—rather than expanding road capacity for single-occupancy vehicles. Communities can further improve access to sustainable transportation options by supporting more compact and walkable land use patterns and updating their zoning policies to allow for infill, and mixed-use development in less car-dependent neighborhoods.
“For far too long our state’s transportation investments have focused on moving vehicles, instead of moving people. Now is the time for leaders to make a shift and invest in a Bus Rapid Transit network in the Denver region and significantly expand public transit service statewide,” said Molly McKinley, policy director for Denver Streets Partnership. “Coloradans need more transportation options and investments in public transit are critical to meeting our state’s air quality and climate goals.”
“Land use and housing policies shape our communities and determine where we travel, how we travel, and how much it costs,” said Matt Frommer, senior transportation associate with the Southwest Energy Efficiency Project (SWEEP). “Yet, transportation and land use planning are traditionally siloed. Our governments must take steps to build more walkable and transit-oriented communities to reduce car-dependence and improve access to jobs, schools, shopping, and other destinations by transit, biking, and walking.”
“More than $660 billion of federal funds will be spent on transportation projects nationally in the next five years,” said Martha Roskowski, one of the report co-authors. “We can choose to use that funding on projects that reduce air pollution, slow climate change and address the historic and current inequities in our system. Colorado can lead the way by investing in projects that help people, the economy and the environment.”
“One of the best ways to prevent injuries and death along our streets is to ensure people have safe ways to travel no matter the mode,” said Danny Katz, executive director of CoPIRG (Colorado Public Interest Research Group). “We can have safe, people-friendly streets if we focus our dollars on our high-injury networks, building complete streets that have safe spaces for people to walk, and move beyond funding individual bike lanes and build out a complete network.”
In the roadmap, the authors presented specific recommendations for CDOT, regional planning organizations like DRCOG, and local governments to fund this year in order to rebalance our transportation system. For example:
The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is statutorily required to update the 10-Year plan by October of 2022 to meet recently set greenhouse gas emission targets. To meet that goal, it is expected that the CDOT Transportation Commission will review the proposed 10-Year plan by August and entities like DRCOG and the North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization (NFRMPO) will need to update their TIPs before then.
The full Recalibrating Transportation report can be found here.