Groups include health, medical, labor, and public interest; represent thousands of Coloradans
Seventeen health, medical, labor, and public interest organizations sent a letter to Governor Polis applauding his actions to require people to wear masks in indoor public spaces. The letter emphasized the importance of requiring mask wearing in Colorado to save lives. The full letter can be found below.
Statement by CoPIRG director Danny Katz:
“The Governor made the right call in requiring all of us to wear masks when we’re in public indoor spaces. Masks save lives. Our goal must be to stop the spread of the virus and minimize deaths. Mask wearing is essential to do that and this order removes any doubt of that.”
For more on the importance of the Governor’s executive order, you can read our blog.
Organization Letter
Dear Governor Polis,
We, the undersigned organizations, thank you for issuing your executive order requiring people wear masks in indoor public places with minor exceptions (such as for medical reasons).
Mask wearing saves lives.
When at least 70 to 80 percent of people in a given area wear masks, that strongly protects the community against transmission of the virus. However, if mask wearing drops to only 50 percent, the overall effectiveness is minimal.
The Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington, one of the leading research institutions tracking the COVID-19 pandemic, says if we can get 95 percent of people to wear face masks, at least 33,000 fewer Americans will die by October 1.
Your order sends a clear signal about the importance of mask wearing. Thank you for your leadership.
Danny Katz, CoPIRG (Colorado Public Interest Research Group)
Ean Thomas Tafoya and Xochi Gaytan, Colorado Latino Forum
Josh Downey, Denver Area Labor Federation
Kate Stigberg, Healthier Colorado
Lauren Martens, SEIU Colorado
Julie Rieskin, Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition
Emily Gedeon and Jan Douglas, Colorado Sierra Club
Dennis Dougherty, Colorado AFL-CIO
Sharon O’Hara, Chronic Care Collaborative
Moe Keller, Mental Health Colorado
Jack Teter, Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains
Piep van Heuven, Bicycle Colorado
Deya Zavala, Mile High Connects
Progress Asoluka, The University of Colorado School of Medicine Student National Medical Association (SNMA) chapter
Haley Shumway, American Medical Women’s Association
Jamie Burke, American Medical Women’s Association at Colorado State University
Zofia Lisowska, American Medical Women’s Association CU Boulder Chapter