Get Off Fossil Fuels

Renewable energy is hot

Pueblo Chile Fest goers show love for renewable energy

Staff | TPIN
CoPIRG staff and volunteers build support for renewable energy at the Pueblo Chile Fest

Chiles are hot. But so is renewable energy

That was our message at Pueblo’s 30th annual Chile and Frijoles Festival, which took place last  weekend. 

Thousands of people flooded the downtown area to enjoy a spicy time and even spicier Pueblo chiles. 

And they also showed their support for replacing the local Xcel Pueblo Comanche coal-fired power plant with renewable energy like wind, solar and geothermal. 

Our team had a plethora of meaningful conversations and surpassed 1000 petitions collected for the campaign thus far!

Support for clean air at the Pueblo Chile Fest Staff | TPIN
CoPIRG staff and volunteers build support for renewable energy at the Pueblo Chile Fest Staff | TPIN
Support for renewable energy at the Pueblo Chile Fest Staff | TPIN
Attendees at the Pueblo Chile Fest show support for renewable energy Staff | TPIN
See the Campaign

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