Right To Repair

Historic Right to Repair bill passes in New York state

In light of the New York victory, a California Right to Repair bill is much more likely to find success next legislative session.

The New York state Assembly approved a new Right to Repair bill Friday by a vote of 147 to 2. The legislation now goes to the New York governor to be signed into law. Despite intense opposition from a wide range of powerful manufacturers, the bill passed with landslide, bipartisan support.

The bill covers a wide range of devices with a microprocessor, including cell phones, tablets and IT equipment. It requires manufacturers to make repair materials — parts, tools and service information — available to consumers and independent repair providers on fair and reasonable terms. 

This comes only a few weeks after California’s Right to Repair bill was put on ice by the Senate Appropriations committee for the second year in a row despite broad, bipartisan support. But in light of the New York victory, a California Right to Repair bill is much more likely to find success next legislative session.

Sander Kushen

Former Consumer Advocate, CALPIRG

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