Tell the FTC: Stop tech companies from selling kids’ data
Right now, there are no rules stopping tech companies from monetizing the data of kids and teens.
Thanks to the CALPIRG-backed Assembly Bill 2912 (Berman), warranties for products you buy online will now start when that product is delivered, not when it is purchased.
Traditionally, warranty protection started at the point of purchase, often resulting in a substantial portion of the coverage period expiring while the product is still in transit or awaiting delivery. This was especially problematic during the supply chain delays that characterized the COVID pandemic.
This problem was not just hypothetical: A LA Times article spotlighted an Azusa-based consumer whose warranty expired just days before his dryer broke down. Had his warranty started when he purchased the dryer (instead of on the delivery date), it would have been covered.
Warranties are great tools to ensure the products we buy are indeed what we pay for. To learn more about your rights under federal and California warranty law, check out our explainer blog: What’s up with Warranties?
Right now, there are no rules stopping tech companies from monetizing the data of kids and teens.
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Public Health Advocate, CALPIRG Education Fund