Tell the FTC: Stop tech companies from selling kids’ data
Right now, there are no rules stopping tech companies from monetizing the data of kids and teens.
Injury Prevention specialist and a child welfare advocate join CALPIRG Education Fund to discuss our 37th annual Trouble in Toyland report.
Yesterday CALPIRG Education Fund Advocate Sander Kushen, Dr. Helen Arbogast (Children’s Hospital Los Angeles), and Colleen Corrigan (Children Now) discussed the dangers of recalled and counterfeit toys and our 37th annual Trouble in Toyland report.
One shocking finding: Last month, CALPIRG Education Fund was able to purchase more than 30 recalled toys from several U.S.-based online sellers. The report warns parents and toy-givers to check whether a toy has been recalled by going to
In addition to calling on retailers to stop selling dangerous toys, the speakers emphasized the responsibility of parents to check their kids’ toys for safety hazards. Tips for parents included:
Sander Kushen concluded his remarks saying, “All of us: toy manufacturers, retailers, regulators, consumer advocates, families, and shoppers need to do more to protect our children.”
You can view the full Trouble in Toyland report here.
Right now, there are no rules stopping tech companies from monetizing the data of kids and teens.
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CALPIRG Education Fund Intern
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