Global warming solutions

A livable climate and a healthy future are possible if we work together to eliminate the pollution and practices warming our planet.

To avoid the most catastrophic effects of climate change, from more powerful hurricanes to increased flooding and worsening wildfires, we need to work together to eliminate the pollution and practices warming our planet. That means taking collective action to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, transitioning to an electric vehicle future, and powering our lives with clean, renewable energy. And we can all do more to use less energy, and use it more efficiently. Fortunately, global warming solutions are all around us — we just need to use them.

The Latest on Global warming solutions
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Did you know?
In the five minutes it takes to fill your gas tank, the U.S. government will give away over $190,000 in subsidies to the fossil fuel industry

What We're Doing

Our tax dollars shouldn't be propping up an industry that's contributing to the climate crisis. We're calling on Congress to end these subsidies.

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The Latest
Statement: CALPIRG Education Fund and Environment California Research & Policy Center call on policymakers to save rooftop solar

Global warming solutions

Statement: CALPIRG Education Fund and Environment California Research & Policy Center call on policymakers to save rooftop solar

CALPIRG Education Fund and Environment California Research & Policy Center joined clean energy advocates, environmentalists, solar consumers and faith leaders in calling on state decision makers to defend rooftop solar.

Media Statements  

Students host hundreds of local actions for Youth Earth Week

Global warming solutions

Students host hundreds of local actions for Youth Earth Week

BOSTON - The Student PIRGs, a student environmental organizing group, is partnering with local organizations, student governments and elected officials to host in-person and virtual actions to celebrate Youth Earth Week, a national effort of more than 250 actions around the country to protect the environment, from April 19 to 23.

Media Releases  

New report: By electrifying all its buildings, California could reap some of the highest health and climate benefits in the country

Clean air

New report: By electrifying all its buildings, California could reap some of the highest health and climate benefits in the country

California ranks 2nd in the nation for potential reduction of greenhouse gas emissions  and potential reduction of gas usage, according to a new report released today by Environment California Research & Policy Center, CalPIRG Education Fund and Frontier Group. The study, Electric Buildings: Repowering Homes and Businesses for Our Health and Environment, found that completely repowering California’s homes and businesses with electricity by 2050 would result in taking 5.9 million cars off the road.

Media Releases  

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Managing Director, Frontier Group; Senior Vice President, The Public Interest Network