Diane Brown
Executive Director, Arizona PIRG
Executive Director, Arizona PIRG
Arizonans overwhelmingly embrace the idea of growing the state’s energy efficiency and renewable energy resources and believe clean energy is important to Arizona jobs and the economy, according to a new statewide poll.
Arizonans’ support for cleaner energy comes at a time when new energy technologies – such as solar, electric vehicles and energy efficiency devices – are rapidly being developed, which is driving down costs and making it more affordable for Arizonans to take advantage of the benefits.
According to the statewide survey, nearly 90 percent of likely Arizona voters believe the growth and use of renewable energy, such as solar and wind, should be a priority for the state. Eight-in-10 say it’s important to grow Arizona’s own energy resources, versus importing fossil fuels like natural gas and oil.
The wide-ranging poll, which was directed by the Arizona PIRG Education Fund and conducted by Washington, D.C.-based WPA Intelligence, a conservative pollster, tested likely voter opinions on topics including renewable energy, energy efficiency, electric vehicles, the Navajo Generating Station and climate change.
Additional key findings include:
While the above offers a glimpse into the study’s findings, the survey results including political party breakdown, can be found here.
The bottom line is this: From encouraging development, to increased jobs and ultimately reducing costs in utility bills, Arizonans across the political spectrum are supportive of solutions that will result in a greater use of energy efficiency and renewable energy resources.